Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

  1. Try Gstyle Project, A New Gnome Theme Manager
  2. Firefox 3.6 STABLE Ubuntu Repository (PPA)
  3. Easy Way To Sync Your iPhone With Rhythmbox, Nautilus, Etc. In Ubuntu - Once again thanks to StoneCut for this article!
  4. VLC Media Player To Get Extensions Starting With Version 1.1
  5. RevLin OS: Would You Use It?
  6. How To Install Gloobus Flow (Clutter) With Nautilus Integration In Ubuntu
  7. Lubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 Has Been Released!
  8. Kupfer Pandora's Box 1 Released, Finally Adds The Famous Quicksilver "Comma Trick" And Global Hotkeys [Ubuntu .deb Download]
  9. AirLines: A New Bisigi Project Gnome Theme
  10. Yasst: Cross-Platform, Non Adobe Air Twitter Client With Columns And Tabs Support

And since this is for 2 weeks: