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A few days ago we saw Atolm, Orta and DrakFire Caffe GNOME Shell / GTK3 themes and today I'll present you some more GTK3 / GNOME Shell themes which have just been released: Hope (Hope theme ported to GTK3), Adwance (Ambiance ported to GTK3) GTK3 themes as well as a new GNOME Shell theme called Gaia.

Hope GTK3 theme - DOWNLOAD. Screenshot:

HOPE GTK3 theme

Adwance GTK3 theme - DOWNLOAD. Screenshot:

Adwance GTK3

Gaia GNOME Shell theme - DOWNLOAD. Screenshos:

Gaia GNOME Shell

Gaia GNOME SHell

Gaia GNOME Shell theme


To install the GNOME Shell Gaia theme (this time I'm going to cover using ThemeSelector only): extract the downloaded archive and copy the extracted directory to ~/.themes/.

Then, for ThemeSelector to pick up the new them you need so meta info. For this just copy/paste the following commands in a terminal:
cd ~/.themes/gs-gaia/gnome-shell
wget http://webupd8.googlecode.com/files/gaia.tar.gz
tar -xvf gaia.tar.gz

Then reload GNOME Shell by pressing ALT + F2 and then entering: "r".

For installing the GTK3 themes, see: Install GNOME 3 (GNOME Shell Or Classic) GTK / Mutter / Metacity Themes

Thanks to Mr Mars and Gaurav for the tips!