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twitter google wave twittergadget

Yesterday we've covered how to post to Twitter from Google Wave, but using the Tweety bot, you could only post, so you couldn't see your Twitter stream, replies, messages and so on.

Here is a way to fully integrate Twitter into Google Wave: using TwitterGadget.

TwitterGadget is a clean, robust, web 2.0 style client for Twitter, designed to submit status updates to Twitter via your iGoogle homepage, Gmail Account or as a standalone app (website). Using TwitterGadget, you'll get a fully featured Twitter client embedded into Google Wave. Here's how to do it:

Create a new Wave and click on "Add gadget by URL":

google wave add gadget by url

And paste this URL into the input box:

That's it.

And don't forget: we are giving away 5 Google Wave invitations for Web Upd8 readers until November 10.