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google wave invites

Are you a Web Upd8 reader (subscriber) and you want a Google Wave invite? Here's what you need to do (nothing much really):

  • Prove that you are subscribed to the Web Upd8 RSS feed or by email - a screenshot would be good but if you know another way...
  • Comment with your Gmail email address so I'll know to which email address to send the invite to (don't forget to post the screenshot in the comment - you can upload it to a service such as tinypic.com and just comment with the link to it)
  • Read the rules carefully (see below)

I will then make a draw (which will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube), so the winners will picked randomly.

The rules:

-only one comment per person!
-the three requirements I mentioned in the beginning of the post are mandatory (prove you are a Web Upd8 subscriber, comment using your Gmail address and read these rules),
-valid comments must be posted until Tuesday (November 10, 2009), at 16:00 GMT.
-I will announce the winners on Tuesday evening or Wednesday, in a new blog post.

Note: The invitations are called "nominations" so they don't reach the invited user immediately - after you have been invited, give it some time to reach you and if it doesn't, complain to Google, not Web Upd8.

I can only give 5 Google Wave invitations for now because I must firstly ask my friends if they want one, but if I have any left, I will offer them in another post later on, here, on Web Upd8!