After Adwance (Ambiance ported to GTK3), we now have a GNOME Shell theme to get a complete Ambiance look in GNOME Shell thanks to Half-left's latest "Ubuntu Ambiance" Shell theme:
If until now I was recommending using ThemeSelector extension for installing and switching GNOME Shell themes, this time I'll recommend using the manual method. Not because there's something wrong with ThemeSelector but because the "user-theme" Shell extension causes some other extensions to ignore CSS styles (so if you're using the Weather or System Monitor extensions and they look weird, this is what's causing it). However, if you're not using any extensions that use CSS, you can safely use ThemeSelector.
So to manually install GNOME Shell Ambiance theme, open Nautilus, navigate to /usr/share/gnome-shell/ and copy the "theme" folder somewhere as a backup (it's important, or else you'll not be able to restore the original GNOME Shell theme!).
Then extract GNOME Shell Ambiance and you'll find 2 archives: Ambiance light and Ambiance Dark - extract the theme you want to use, rename its "gnome-shell" folder to "theme", open Nautilus as root and copy it to /usr/share/gnome-shell/, replacing the original "theme" folder.
Then extract GNOME Shell Ambiance and you'll find 2 archives: Ambiance light and Ambiance Dark - extract the theme you want to use, rename its "gnome-shell" folder to "theme", open Nautilus as root and copy it to /usr/share/gnome-shell/, replacing the original "theme" folder.
Then press ALT + F2 and enter "r" to reload GNOME Shell.
Download GNOME Shell Ambiance theme.
[Credits for the last 2 images in the post: Half-left]