Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

VLC 1.1.0 and gThumb 2.11.x, both from GIT, have been available for some time in the WebUpd8 PPA and both applications got an update recently (today for VLC and two days ago for gThumb). In this post just I wanted to remind you about the WebUpd8 PPA and also about the great features this two apps have compared to their stable releases.

vlc 1.1.0 git

VLC 1.1.0 has a lot of new features and bug fixes, but probably the most important new feature compared to the stable version is the new extensions support. Because the complete list of changes was huge, I didn't put it here, but on Paste.bin.

gthumb 2.11.1

gThumb 2.11.1 gained an audio/video player and the ability to take a screenshot of the current video, Picasa Web support (import and export), added a "convert format", a "change date" and "resize image" tools and a lot of other new features and plugins. A complete (well, almost) list of changes can be found HERE.

Update: These VLC installation instructions are no longer valid! See: How To Install VLC 1.1.0 (Final) In Ubuntu From A PPA (deb)

Before adding the Web Upd8 PPA, remember these are experimental builds so there will be bugs!

To add the WebUpd8 PPA (available for Ubuntu Karmic and Lucid), paste this in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

To upgrade (if you already have VLC and gThumb installed):
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Or to install vlc and ghtumb:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vlc gthumb x264

Note: you need to remove any previous gThumb versions before installing the above .deb packages:
sudo apt-get remove --purge gthumb gthumb-data

And a final note for everyone trying to compile VLC 1.1.0 these days and encountering the same error as I did (which gave me a bit of a headache so I want to share it with anyone having the same issue). There's a bug for over a week now, which results in this error:

LUAC lua/intf/rc.luac
/bin/bash: -o: command not found
make[3]: *** [lua/intf/rc.luac] Error 127

You can fix it with:
cd share
for f in `find . | grep '\.lua$'`; do f2=`echo $f | sed 's/lua$/luac/g'`; ln -sf `basename $f` $f2; done 

where "share" is the share folder in the vlc source folder (thanks to Akrog for the fix).