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pbtweet screenshot

PBTweet is a Twitter-enhancement available as a bookmarklet, GreaseKit script, and GreaseMonkey script, which allows you to enhance and tweak Twitter in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.

pbtweet Features

  • pbtweet shows conversation chain baloons based on in_reply_to_status_id.
  • User setting for loading number of conversation tweets.
  • Low bandwith usage with using JSON.
  • Enable RT/via style quoting tweets.
  • Redundant tweets removing
  • Picture shared with twitPic.com, tumblr.com, brightkite.com ,MovaPic.com, 12seconds and bcphotoshare.com are placed on twitter.com as badge.
  • Automatically [more] page inserted when you scroll down to page bottom.
  • Automatically new tweets insert on the top of timeline in each minutes.
  • Shorten URL expanding for tinyurl.com, bit.ly, ff.im, twurl.il and is.gd.
  • Translating tweets into your language.
  • Growl notification on Fluid.app

Safari/Chrome users can take advantage of PBTweet via bookmarklet or GreaseKit script. Firefox users don't get a bookmarklet, but there is a Greasemonkey script available.

Take a look at the video below to see PBTweet in action:

To install the Greasemonkey / GreaseKit script or bookmarklet, go to PBTweet homepage.

You may also want to try:
-Troy's Twitter Script
-Better Twitter User Script

[via downloadsquad]