1. George Williams Fonts
A set of Free unicode True Type fonts made by George Williams. The package consists the following fonts:


CupolaUnicode Bold:

You can install these fonts in Ubuntu using the following command:
sudo apt-get install ttf-georgewilliams
2. Dustin (from dustismo.com)
Dustismo and Dustismo Roman are general purpose Sans Serif and Roman TrueType fonts (with bold, italic and bold-italic variations), and contain all the European Latin characters.
The other fonts are beautiful for special decorations and headlines, but they are limited to subsets of ASCII.

Install these fonts in Ubuntu using the following command:
sudo apt-get install ttf-dustin
3. Larabie Fonts
Decorative freeware TrueType fonts from Ray Larabie. There are about 300+ fonts so I will only post a sample:



Install them using the following command:
sudo apt-get install ttf-larabie-deco ttf-larabie-straight ttf-larabie-uncommon
If you wish to preview them all, download THIS PDF.
4. Fossfonts
A collection of 108 GPL/Public-Domain licenced .ttf fonts. Included are the Tuffy family with extended members, and the Open Bar Codes project fonts.
Sample fonts:

Dark Garden:

Evil Clown:



Architext Thin:

Dark Garden:

Evil Clown:



Architext Thin:

This package is not in Ubuntu since Fetsy or Gutsy, but you can install it by downloading the following Ubuntu .deb package: DOWNLOAD.
To install all the above fonts (except 4. FOSSFONTS which you need to manually download), you can run the following command in a terminal (just use copy & paste):
Please note that to be able to install some of the fonts above, you need to enable Universe and Multivers repositories.
If you need a tool to preview the fonts installed on your system, I recommend myFontBook which is a web app that does not require installation and works on any operating system.
To install all the above fonts (except 4. FOSSFONTS which you need to manually download), you can run the following command in a terminal (just use copy & paste):
sudo apt-get install ttf-georgewilliams ttf-dustin ttf-larabie-deco ttf-larabie-straight ttf-larabie-uncommon
Please note that to be able to install some of the fonts above, you need to enable Universe and Multivers repositories.
If you need a tool to preview the fonts installed on your system, I recommend myFontBook which is a web app that does not require installation and works on any operating system.