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uget download manager

uGet 1.10.3 has been released today with a new application icon, support for mirrors and more.

uGet is a GTK3 download manager that can make use of aria2 (a command line download accelerator also used by apt-fast) to accelerate downloads, and comes with features such as: clipboard monitoring, scheduler, resume downloads, batch downloads, supports multiple protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, BitTorrent or Metalink - these last 2 require the aria2 plugin), HTML and TXT file importing, proxy support, cookie and user agent control and much more. 

For a complete list of features, see the uGet features page.

Changes in the latest uGet 1.10.3:
  • added new download option - "mirrors";
  • changed hotkey, Shift+Delete to delete data, Ctrl+Delete to delete file and data;
  • changed logo and icons;
  • rearranged menu items;
  • added & updated translation files.

uget mirrors

Install uGet download manager in Ubuntu

Compared to the version available in the Ubuntu repositories (1.8.x), the version available in the uGet PPA has many extra features and bug fixes as well as GTK3  and appindicator support, so I highly recommend using the official uGet stable PPA.

To add the uGet stable PPA and install uGet and aria2 in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin and 12.10 Quantal Quetzal (there are no Ubuntu 13.04 packages yet), use the following commands in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plushuang-tw/uget-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uget aria2

To enable the aria2 plugin, select Edit > Settings from the uGet menu and on the "Plug-in" tab, check the box for "Enable aria2 plugin". Then, when adding a new download, you'll be able to set uGet to use multiple connections per server from the "New download" dialog box.

Tip: like I was saying above, if you install uGet from its official PPA, you'll notice that it uses an Ubuntu AppIndicator by default but if you don't want this - for instance if you're using GNOME Shell -, you can disable it so uGet uses a tray icon, by using the following command:
sed -i "s/AppIndicator value='1'/AppIndicator value='0'/g" ~/.config/uGet/Setting.xml

For other Linux distributions (source files and RPM available) and Windows, see the uGet downloads page.