Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

"Photo", a fancy Qt image viewer, has been updated recently with new features some of you have requested, such as a slideshow, new settings and others.

photo image viewer

Photo is an image viewer in which the image is displayed in full-screen with a configurable, semi-transparent overlay behind the photo if it doesn't cover the whole screen. 

The application also features image thumbnails on the bottom, which are set to autohide in the new version, but you can set them to always be visible from the settings. The menu is also hidden by default and to access it, you must point the mouse to the top right edge of the screen. 

`Photo` isn't just elegant, it's also highly customizable and a great way to view a large number of images.

The latest Photo 0.9, released a few days ago (well, two versions were released, one being a minor bug-fix release) comes with a completely re-written and re-structured code, a new look for various parts of the application, implements a slideshow feature as well as:
  • faster startup;
  • better shortcut handling;
  • better exif handling;
  • improved thumbnail implementation;
  • lots of new settings, including customizable context menu (by default it uses KDE apps such as Dolphin, but you can change that from the settings window - "Other Settings" tab);
  • better image handling;
  • new command line options;
  • many bug fixes.

Install Photo image viewer in Ubuntu

To install Photo image viewer in Ubuntu 13.10, 13.04, 12.10 or 12.04 use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samrog131/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install photoqt

Arch Linux users can install the latest Photo image viewer via AUR.

For other Linux distributions, see the Photo downloads page.