Terminator is a very interesting terminal emulator that lets you use multiple terminals in the same window (split view). It supports notifications (through 'watch for activity' plugin), tabs, can save / restore custom layouts and more.
The latest Terminator 0.96 re-adds a so called "quake mode" feature (more info and how to launch Terminator using a custom layout, here). Other features in the latest Terminator 0.96 include:
- Unity support for opening new windows
- Searching by regular expression
- Improve and extend drag&drop support to include more sources of text, e.g. Gtk file chooser path buttons
- Add a plugin to watch a terminal for inactvity
- Add configuration to remove terminal dimensions from titlebars
- many bug fixes
A Terminator BZR build with built-in "quake-mode" was already available in our Unstable PPA, but now it's finally available as a stable release. Here's a video I've recoded a while back, demoing this feature as well as using multiple terminals in the same window:
Install Terminator
The latest Terminator 0.96 is not yet available in its official PPA, but you can already install it in Ubuntu 11.10, 11.04, 10.10 and 10.04 by using the WebUpd8 PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install terminator
If you're not using Ubuntu, download Terminator via Launchpad.