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DockBarX live window previews

DockBarX is a lightweight taskbar / panel replacement for Linux. It works as a GNOME panel applet (for GNOME 2.x), as an Avant Window Navigator applet or as a stand alone dock (called DockX) that you can use in any desktop environment: KDE, XFCE, GNOME 3 (with GNOME Shell), etc.

DockBarX has been updated today with a work-around for the bug that caused live windows previews not to work with Compiz 0.9.x in GNOME (well, for most of us anyway because it seems it worked for some of you).

However, the live window previews still don't work in GNOME Shell (because this feature requires Compiz).

Here is a video I've recorded with DockBarX running in AWN (and live window previews activated of course):

Install DockBarX in Ubuntu

As usual, the latest DockBarX is available in the main WebUpd8 PPA for Ubuntu 11.10, 11.04, 10.10 and 10.04 - add the PPA and install it using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dockbarx dockbarx-themes-extra

To install the AWN applet, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install awn-applet-dockbarx

Once installed, look for "DockBarX Preference" in the menu / dash to configure how DockBarX or DockX looks and behaves.

To launch DockBarX in the stand-alone mode, press ALT + F2 and type: "dockx". If you use Gnome2 panel or Avant Window Navigator, DockBarX should show up in the applet list so add it like with any other applet.

If you're not using Ubuntu, download DockBarX via Gnome-Look.