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It's time for some more GNOME Shell extensions: Skype Status Menu integration, RightHotCorner and a modified weather extension. Read on!

Skype Status Menu GNOME Shell extension

The first one is a Skype GNOME Shell extension that you can use to set your Skype presence with current system presence. So when you set your status to "Busy" via the GNOME Shell Status Menu, your status is also changed in Skype:

Status Menu - GNOME Shell

To install the extension, firstly install GIT and then run the following commands in a terminal:
git clone https://github.com/MrTheodor/gnome-shell-ext-SkypeNotification.git
mv gnome-shell-ext-SkypeNotification/SkypeNotification@krajniak.info/ ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
rm -rf gnome-shell-ext-SkypeNotification

RightHotCorner GNOME Shell extension

Right Hot Corner GNOME Shell extension

RightHotCorner is a GNOME Shell extension that lets you use the upper right corner as a hot spot for triggering the Activities overview. I for one find this very useful because when I don't use the mouse, it's usually somewhere on the right (because that's where the scrollbar is) so moving it all the way to the left to open the Activities overview doesn't feel natural.

Download RightHotCorner extension - to use, extract it under ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

You can disable the ripple effect if you want, by editing the "extension.js" file and modifying the "const SHOW_RIPPLE" value from "true" to "false".

For me, using the original value used by the extension didn't work properly so I've doubled the hot spot value from 5 to 10. If that's also the case for you, open extension.js and change the Clutter.Group and Clutter.Rectangle values for both width and height from 5 to something larger.

Thanks to fpmurphy for the tip and extension tweaks.

Modified GNOME Shell Weather extension

And the last extension in today's post: a GNOME Shell weather extension modified by WebUpd8 reader rAX to use symbolic (monochrome) icons. He also removed the current conditions from the panel (the original extension displays something like: "Partially cloudy, 28 C" on the panel while the modified extension displays an icon only) and moved it from the center to the upper right corner of the top panel.

Here's a screenshot with the modified GNOME Shell weather extension:

GNOME Shell weather extension improved

And here is how the original extension looks like:

GNOME Shell weather extension

Update: the original weather extension now uses monochrome icons too. For instructions on how to compile it, see here.

Download GNOME Shell Weather extension modified by rAX - to use it, extract it to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ (remove the original extension if it's already installed). Then, remember to edit the extension and add your Yahoo Weather ID like explained HERE.

Thanks to rAX for the modified weather extension and screenshot!

As always, I've tested all these extensions under Fedora 15 but I cannot guarantee they will work for you too so use them at your own risk!

More GNOME Shell extensions.