Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

  1. Things To Tweak / Fix After Installing Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
  2. Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Released - See What`s New (Screenshots And Video)
  3. GNOME Shell Atolm - Another Beautiful GNOME Shell Theme By Half-left
  4. How To Install GNOME 3 (GNOME Shell Or Classic) GTK / Mutter / Metacity Themes
  5. Solarized: A Must Have Color Scheme For Gnome Terminal, Vim, Gedit And Lots More
  6. ThemeSelector: GNOME Shell Extension To Change Themes (With Previews)
  7. Cairo Dock 2.3.0 Released With New Applets, Better Compiz And Kwin Integration
  8. VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Repository, Finally Ready
  9. Install Emesene 2 Stable (2.11.4) In Ubuntu Via PPA
  10. Y PPA Manager Adds Unity Launcher Quicklists