Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

Unity Places Files and Applications were available back in Ubuntu 10.10 but were removed when Unity switched to Compiz. An update in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal today finally brings these back:

Natty unity places files
(Unity Places Files)

Natty unity places applications
(Unity Places Applications)

For now they are quite buggy and don't always populate with apps/files, their icons are missing and so on, but this is the initial Unity-Places-Files and Unity-Places-Applications in Ubuntu 11.04 so they should receive a lot of updates until Ubuntu 11.04 is out.

Another recent update which I've only noticed today is a change to how the Classic Ubuntu desktop looks (this is the fallback for those running computers that don't support Unity): the "Menu Bar" has been replaced with the "Main Menu" applet and AppMenu (Global Menu) is now default for the classic interface too:

Natty classic desktop

However, the AppMenu doesn't come with autohide like in Unity; further more, the maximized window titlebar isn't remove and the buttons are not displayed on the top panel. But is this about to change?

A few days ago I were telling you about the Ubuntu Software Center who finally got ratings and reviews - initially these didn't work for me but everything works ok today:

Ubuntu Software Center reviews

Ubuntu Software Center reviews

And finally, another recent update brought playlist support for the Sound Menu:

Playlist support ubuntu sound menu 11.04