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DockBarX big dock

"DBX big dock" pack is a DockBarX theme package especially created for those that use DockBarX with Avant Window Navigator and comes with updated "Unite" themes (Unite_v and Unite_h) with new blink attenton effects as well as versions for these themes without backgrounds and bigger icons for Faenza icon theme users (the themes are called Faenza_Unite_v and Faenza_Unite_h). The pack also includes a mod of the DockBarX "dock" theme with nice colors and attention effects.

All the themes in the "DBX big dock" come with 2 versions: for horizontal and vertical dock.

DockBarX faenza
(DockBarX Faenza_Unite_H)


Download the "DBX big dock" pack from Gnome Look and extract it on your desktop, then run the following commands:
cd ~/Desktop/136409-Dock-pack/themes
sudo cp * /usr/share/dockbarx/themes/

Then, open the DockBarX preferences (Applications > Accessories) and try out the new themes!

See also: DockBarX 0.41 installation instructions (including extra themes and AWN applet)