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Gnome Activity Journal 0.5.0

GNOME Activity Journal (GAJ) is a tool for easily browsing and finding files on your computer. It keeps a chronological journal of all file activity and supports tagging and establishing relationships between groups of files.

Gnome Activity Journal 0.5.0 was just uploaded to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat official repositories and since the Zeitgeist PPA still provides Gnome Activity Journal, I've built the Maverick GAJ 0.5 for Ubuntu 10.04 so you can use it in Lucid already.

GAJ 0.5.0 brings improved start-up time and responsiveness, better support for Tomboy and websites (you need the Chromium/Firefox dataprovider for this) as well support for more dataproviders: bzr, chrome/chromium, emacs, eog, firefox, geany, gedit, rhythmbox, tomboy and vim. See the bottom of this page for the data providers installation instructions.

Install Gnome Activity Journal 0.5.0 in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

1. Add the Zeitgeist PPA and install the latest Zeitgeist 0.5.0:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zeitgeist/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zeitgeist zeitgeist-core

2. Now simply download and install Gnome Activity Journal 0.5 Ubuntu .deb file (for both 32bit and 64bit).

Once installed, you'll find it under Applications > Accessories > Activity Journal.

If you're having trouble getting Gnome Activity Journal to start, run the following commands in a terminal:
zeitgeist-daemon --quit
zeitgeist-daemon &

If you're using Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, simply search for Gnome Activity Journal in the Ubuntu Software Center - version 0.5.0 should be available in a few minutes.