Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

avant window navigator indicator applet

Now you can fully replace the GNOME panels with Avant Window Navigator. The latest AWN trunk build adds Indicator Applet support.

Like we told you a while back, the latest AWN also includes the new Lucido style:

awn lucido

To install the latest AWN trunk in Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10, simply paste this in a terminal (before this, make sure you don't have avant-window-navigator from the official Ubuntu repositories installed):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:awn-testing/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-trunk awn-applets-c-core-trunk awn-applets-c-extras-trunk awn-applets-python-core-trunk awn-applets-python-extras-trunk

Once installed, to add the Indicator Applet to Avant Window Navigator, simply go to AWN Preferences, on the Applets tab, under "Utility" you should see a new item called "Indicator Applet" - simply add it to your dock.

Credits for the second image in the post as well as many thanks for the Indicator Applet news: sharkbaitbobby.