Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

Ubuntu Tools was initially a script (more or less like our Ubuntu Start) which evolved into an application and can be used to perform a lot of operations which would require lots of clicks or the use of a terminal - all within the same application.

You can use Ubuntu Tools for very basic operations such as upgrade or clean the system:

ubuntu tools

to more advanced onces like editing the GRUB:

ubuntu tools advanced

The application also allows you to install some Nautilus scrips - of which some look really interesting such as a script to add repositories via right click in Nautilus (either by hand or right clicking a file):

The application can do a lot more - you can discover everything by installing it: simply download Ubuntu Tools via Gnome-Look, extract it, then right click on the "Installer", select "Properties" and on the "Permissions" tab, check the "Allow executing file as program" box. Then double click the "Installer" file and select "Run".

If you want to uninstall it, simply double click the "Installer" again, select "Run", when it asks for an upgrade select "No" and the script will then ask you if you want to remove it.

And an advice: the Installer downloads and installs the application via a Dropbox account which is not exactly safe so make sure you check the Installer code and the code of any files it downloads before using it. Always do this before using a script!

Thanks to UbuntuLife for the heads up!