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Right now you have multiple desktops but only from the applications point of view: you can move applications from one desktop to another and that's it. There is currently a mockup posted @ Gnome Shell Design Playground website (and a lot of discussion about it on the Gnome Shell mailing list) which seems very interesting:

gnome shell multiple real desktops
(wait for the image to load - it's a 5,1 mb animated gif - then click it to view it full-screen)

The idea is to have custom folders for each desktop. Right now, the desktop is located at /home/your_username/Desktop and this would provide a new folder for each virtual desktop so that you can fully work on a project on a given Desktop - including all the files related to your project / task.

Gnome Shell would also include a menu for this in the Overview mode which could be used to drag and drop to assign any Desktop to any workspace. Moreover, from the menu you can edit your projects to :
  • Add or erase a Desktop folder
  • Create and manage folder groups (by creating categories like : work / pics / vacations…)
  • Rename a folder
  • Assign it or change its group
  • Duplicate an existing folder
  • Merge several folders

And of course, each "desktop folder" (I guess it's wrong to call them virtual desktops now since they will be fully-featured desktops) will have his own wallpaper for easy recognition.

The idea seems simple yet very efficient and in my opinion is one of the few things that seem like real usability improvements in Gnome Shell, so I really hope this will be implemented. What do you think?