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nautilus 2.30 elementary

If you used Nautilus Elementary in Ubuntu Karmic and want it in Lucid, you'll be glad to know there is already work done on the 2.30 Nautilus branch.

An important tweak in this branch is that Nautilus Elementary will have a vertical toolbar (like Dolphin):

Best compromise i found between streamlined and split view.

says ammonkey.

However, the vertical toolbar is just a test for now.

nautilus elementary lucid

Nautilus Elementary 2.30 should also get nice breadcrumbs like in this screenshot:

nautilus breadcrumbs

Nautilus Elementary for the 2.30 branch is still work in progress so don't install it just yet. Some might find the vertical toolbar a bit weird, but in my opinion it looks better then ever. Hopefully the 2.30 version will be ready to use soon.

Image credits (and via): ammonkey