Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

Gnome Activity Journal 0.3.3 has been released today. This version brings some new views as well as bug-fixes:

- “Detailed Day View” accessible over left clicking the day label:

gnome activity journal 0.3.3 detailed day view

- “Thumbnail View” accessible over right clicking the day label:

gnome activity journal 0.3.3 thumbnail view

And a video with Gnome Activity Journal 0.3.3:

Gnome Activity Journal 0.3.3 is not yet available in its PPA (but will be very soon most probably). If you want to give 0.3.3 a try already, you can either download it from Launchpad, or run the following commands in a terminal:
mkdir ~/zeitgeist; cd ~/zeitgeist
bzr get lp:zeitgeist; bzr get lp:gnome-activity-journal
~/zeitgeist/zeitgeist/zeitgeist-daemon.py &