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Humanity Icon Pack

It appears the Humanity Panel Icons Pack has been updated, and now you can simply run a script to install all the icons (I wasn't awate of this, thanks rkv!).

Humanity Panel Icons pack includes the following icons: Printing, Shutter, Tomboy, Banshee, File Operations, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Fusion-Icon, Transmission, Gwibber, Emesene, Lifera, PolicyKit/Seahorse, Exaile, gPodder, Gwget, CellWriter, Gnome-Do, Specto, HPLIP, Brasero, Weather, Deskbar-Applet, Firefox. And more are expected.

One note: you MUST extract the downloaded archive inside your home folder, for the script to run.

Then, simply open a terminal and type:

Download Humanity Panel Icons Theme.