Google announced that it has opened up the Google Chrome extension gallery for submissions.
The process for submission is simple: log in with your Google account, zip your file code and your extension’s icon, submit supplementary info like a description, demo (on YouTube or whatever), etc. and you’re done! The process is automatic for almost every extension: ones that include an NPAPI component (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface) or content scripts that affect "file://" URLs will require additional information and review.
There are already some Google-made extensions that are working in Chrome now, such as a Gmail Checker, which is handy. These were mainly made to be examples in helping walk developers through the extension creation process. You can find their documentation on that here.
There are already some Google-made extensions that are working in Chrome now, such as a Gmail Checker, which is handy. These were mainly made to be examples in helping walk developers through the extension creation process. You can find their documentation on that here.