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google chrome greasemonkey

User scripts (or Greasemonkey scripts) work for quite some time in Google Chrome. From my experience, please note that scripts which have an "@require" paramater (which 'requires' some external files in the script such as jQuery, etc) - do not work. That being said, let's use some Greasemonkey scripts in Chrome & Linux (I've tested it on Ubuntu).

The first thing you need to do is create a folder where the scripts will be hosted. I created a folder called 'gscripts' in my /home/.google directory
sudo mkdir /home/.google/gscripts

Now go to Applications > Internet (that's where you'll find Google Chrome in Gnome) and right click the Google Chrome shortcut and select to add it either to the desktop or to a panel. Then right click the newly created icon, select "Propreties" and instead of the current command, paste this (presuming you also created the gscripts folder in /home/.google, if not, replace it with your on folder path):
/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U --enable-user-scripts --user-data-dir=/home/.google/gscripts

Now start Google Chrome. Upon starting, it will create some files and folder in the gscripts directory you created. Navigate to Default/User Scripts (/home/.google/gscripts/Default/User Scripts) and paste all the Greasemonkey scrips you want to use here.

Close Google Chrome and open it again. The user scripts you copied into the User Scripts folder should now work.

P.s.: if you want the Google Reader user scrips used in the screenshot, see here and here.