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If you use Facebook, you’re surely familiar with the option to tag the people in your photos. The feature both identifies them to viewers of the picture and lets them know a photo that includes them has been posted on the site.

Today, Flickr added a people tagging option as well:

We’ve launched People in Photos, a new feature that will help put a face to the Flickrverse and enable you to highlight members that you’ve photographed in a whole new way. People in Photos lets you add a member to a photo, find photos of people you know, and manage which photos you’re in. Huzzah!

(from the Flickr blog)

flickr people tagging

To add someone to a photo, you can either type in the member’s name, much like you’d add a tag, or you can draw a face boundary on the photo, as with a note. People in Photos has been wired into your your Recent Activity, so you’ll always be up to date with who’s added you to a photo or added other members to your photos.

People can opt in and out of the tagging, and unlike on Facebook, once you have opted out of a photo, no one can head back in after the fact and add you back in.

Flickr of course has more than one major hurdle to jump over, namely that you need to be in someones Flickr contact list to be tagged in an image. This will lead to an expansion of the average size of a Flickr contact list, and of course to the overall Flickr userbase.