Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

Bombono DVDBombono DVD is an easy to use open-source (Linux only) application for DVD authoring which you can use to create DVDs with menus, chapters, re-auhoring (import from other DVDs), burn the DVD and so on.

The main features of Bombono DVD are:
  • Excellent MPEG viewer: Timeline and Monitor
  • Real WYSIWYG Menu Editor with live thumbnails
  • Comfortable Drag-n-Drop support
  • You can author to folder, make ISO-image or burn directly to DVD
  • Reauthoring: you can import video from DVD discs.

To install Bombono in Ubuntu, paste the following commands in a terminal:
sudo echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/muravjov-il/ppa/ubuntu karmic main" | sudo tee-a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys BBAB22E8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bombono-dvd

If you use Ubuntu Hardy, Intrepid or Jaunty instead of karmic, replace 'karmic' in the first command above, with 'hardy', 'intrepid' or 'jaunty'.

Direct Ubuntu Jaunty download: if you don't want to add the repository, you can just download these .deb files:

Direct download for other Ubuntu versions -> see Bombono PPA.

Download Bombono for other Linux distributions (openSUSE, ArchLinux, AltLinux and source files)

Other DVD Authoring applications: