Most viruses and other malware disable any way you could try to remove them. That means you most probably won't have any access to the registry editor, command prompt, task manager and so on. But there is a freeware, portable application which re-enabels all these tools. The applications is called "Re-Enable" and it will re enable registry editing (Regedit) after a worm / trojan / malware / virus has disabled registry editing, this will also re enable Cmd / Taskmgr / System restore Config / Folder options config and Run command.

Using the applications is very easy, all you need to do is put a check on the checkbox that you want to enable and click the Enable button. The disable feature will be instantly enabled or if not, a reboot should do it!
Re-Enable is coded in .net but doesn't need .net installed because .net dependencies are included in the program making it fully portable.
Download Re-Enable Portable
Re-Enable is coded in .net but doesn't need .net installed because .net dependencies are included in the program making it fully portable.
Download Re-Enable Portable