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search bot

Sbot is a bot created by Tech Bangalore that lets you search Google, Twitter, Bing and Yahoo from within your instant messenger window. To use it, all you have to do is add a bot to your GTalk, Yahoo or Windows Live Messenger:

Google Talk – sbot@bot.im
Yahoo Messenger – searchbot@ymail.com
Windows Live Messenger - searchbot@live.com

Then open a chat window with Sbot and start searching:

  • To perform Google search send g search term
  • To perform Twitter search send t search term
  • To perform Bing search send b search term
  • To perform Yahoo search send y search term
Unfortunately, it only displays the first 5-10 results (depending on how much text each results displays) and there's no way to go to the next search results page, but for a quick search (I especially enjoy searching Twitter from within my IM) it's very useful.

[via makeuseof]