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Internet Explorer for instance, allows you to use a new session so that you can log in to the same service with multiple accounts - which is great for Gmail, Yahoo and so on. Unfortunately, Firefox doesn't have this feature implemented for now. But there is a Firefox extension called CookiePie which enables something close to this "new session" feature.

cookiepie firefox

Using CookiePie, you can right click a tab, select "Toggle On/Off CookiePie" and when you turn it on, you can basically log in to a website to which you are already logged in, into the same Firefox window.

This can be used to log in to multiple Gmail, Yahoo, etc. accounts from within the same Firefox window.

Example to logging in to multiple Gmail accounts:

1. Log in to an Gmail account the way you normally do it.
2. Open a new blank tab, right click it and select "Toggle On/Off CookiePie". Then, in the url bar, enter mail.gmail.com : now you can log in to a different Gmail account than the one used in step one.

Because Firefox changes some cookies headers, there are some limitations that come with using this Firefox add-on, such as re-ordering tabs, which will cause Gmail to log you out. If you re-ordered tabs by mistake, close all Gmail tabs, clear your cache and restart your browser; you will then be able to use multiple Gmail accounts again.