Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you place your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview. The application is available in various languages and works on Windows, Mac OS X 10.4 / 10.5, Linux and Solaris.


Not so long ago, version 2.0 of Sweet Home 3D was released, bringing important improvements, such as:
* Added 3D View > Create photo… menu item to create PNG images of the current 3D view with the ability to choose their size and their rendering quality; photo-realistic rendering performed by SunFlow library.
* Enabled the user to enter walls and rooms size with the keyboard once he presses the Enter key.
* Added the ability to create the walls around a room by double-cliking in that room.
* Added new preferences for the rendering of the plan to view furniture from its top, fill the floor of the rooms with their color or their texture, and change the pattern of walls.
* Added the units Meter and Millimeter.
* Fixed a bug that prevented to compute correctly the location of doors and windows and that made the plan view blank.
* Fixed a bug that didn’t update the 3D view after some camera moves on computers with low capabilities.
* Updated the JNLP file of Sweet Home 3D to require Java 3D 64 bits on 64 bits architecture.
* Replaced JRE 6u12 by JRE 6u14 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
* Added Chinese (Simplified) localization of help pages written by Zhao Si-cong.
* Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.
Download Sweet Home 3D (Windows, Linux and Mac OSX builds) | Ubuntu .deb download
Other important resources: User's Guide (available in English, French and Spanish) | Video Tutorial
Other important resources: User's Guide (available in English, French and Spanish) | Video Tutorial