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chromium vs google chrome

It doesn't matter if you are using Google Chrome or Chromium and it actually works from version 2.x up to 4.x: you can enable the bookmarks toolbar (like the one in Firefox for instance) in Google Chrome by using a simple shortcut trick.

Basically, all you have to do (no matter if you are using Linux or Windows) is right click your Chrome shortcut and select "Properties", and then in the "Target" field ("Command" for Linux users), at the end of the line, add:


(do not edit anything else).

Here's what you'll get:

google chrome bookmarks toolbar

That's about it. Now go to Google Chrome Bookmark Manager and add some bookmarks to your "Bookmarks bar" folder. Or just hit "Ctrl + D" on your keyboard and bookmark a new page. The option to save it to your bookmarks toolbar will be displayed by default.

[via techie-buzz]