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opera 10Opera Software has now unveiled the final version of Opera 10 and is available for download.

Opera 10 showcases a sleek new design coupled with our new Turbo technology, which keeps Web pages loading lightning fast, even if your connection slows down. Download Opera 10 and experience the difference.

If you've been keeping up with the beta updates, the final build of the cross-platform browser shouldn't surprise you. Opera Turbo, the browser's much-publicized compression engine for slow-poke connections, remains a feature highlight. Opera claims that Opera Turbo runs the browser up to eight times faster on suffering connections than do competing browsers.

The refreshed user interface is also noteworthy. Joining the new default skin (changed from version 9.6), are changes to tab bar behavior. The conventional tabs double as thumbnail images. Double-click the thin gray bar below the tabs (indicated by dots) or click and drag to expand open tabs into preview windows that you can navigate by clicking among them.

Other enhancements include an expanded Speed Dial (a feature that has later been adopted and adapted in Google's Chrome browser) that shows more commonly visited Web pages than in previous Opera browsers. You're also able to customize it with a background picture. You'll see that spell check will be applicable to any text field (for 51 languages), and that Opera's incorporated e-mail client takes a page from Google's books by threading e-mail conversations.

Opera Software did not forget developers. In this regard, the release of Opera 10.0 Final is accompanied by a new update to Opera Dragonfly. Offered in no less than 36 different languages, the Opera 10.0 on-board, Web development tools simplify the work of developers using the browser as a platform.

Despite all the additions that Opera hopes will keep Opera 10 competitive, there are still two notable omissions for this final release. The first is Opera Unite, which uses your browser as a Web server for sharing your content with others. The second is the Carakan JavaScript engine that promises to process JavaScript about 2.5 times as fast as the engine used in Opera 10 alpha.

Opera 10 comes in 43 languages, and works on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. You can download it from http://www.opera.com/.