When you expand the options on a Google search result page, you can restrict the results to things like the past week, the past 24 hours, or “Recent results”. But with a little tweaking to the URL, you can change that to "past X minutes" or even "past X seconds". This can be done by changing the a parameter called QDR - perhaps standing for Query Date Range, in the URL.
By default when you click on "search options" and limit a search to the last day, the qdr appears as "d." Change that to "n" and you'll be limited to results from the last minute, to "n5" and you'll see results discovered in the last 5 minutes - or "s30" to see results from the last 30 seconds.
Here is an example with this in action:
By default when you click on "search options" and limit a search to the last day, the qdr appears as "d." Change that to "n" and you'll be limited to results from the last minute, to "n5" and you'll see results discovered in the last 5 minutes - or "s30" to see results from the last 30 seconds.
Here is an example with this in action:
-this search query will display search results for the term "web" in the last 5 minutes:
-the following search query will display results for the term "internet" for the past 30 seconds:
[via blogoscoped]
-the following search query will display results for the term "internet" for the past 30 seconds:
[via blogoscoped]