A while ago I had some issues with VirtualBox machines which were transparent in Ubuntu, when running Compiz and this little bug made VirtualBox unusable. I thought it was something only occurring in VirtualBox, but recently I also had the same issues with SMPlayer and KMPlayer and there could be some other applications that I haven't stumbled upon which are also affected by this.
Take a look at the 2 screenshots below to see what I'm talking about:
Take a look at the 2 screenshots below to see what I'm talking about:
To fix this (works for any applications which has a transparent window because of Compiz), simply go to Applications > then to the applications you are having problems with, right click it and select either "Add launcher to panel" or "Add launcher to desktop", then edit the newly created launcher and in the "Command" field, in front of the existing command, add this:
So after editing the launcher for SMPlayer, it would look like this:
So after editing the launcher for SMPlayer, it would look like this: