[Linux only] Gnac is an easy to use audio conversion program for the Gnome desktop. It is designed to be powerful but simple! It provides easy audio files conversion between all GStreamer supported audio formats.
To install Gnac in Ubuntu, you can add the following Launchpad PPA repository:
Or you can just download the .deb package:
For other Linux distributions, see Gnac download page.
Please note: To enable MP3 encoding, you need to install GStreamer! If you do not have GStreamer installed, follow the instructions specific to your distribution:
[via ubuntu tips]
To install Gnac in Ubuntu, you can add the following Launchpad PPA repository:
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnac-team/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
And the GPG key:sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 10394F73
And then:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnac
Or you can just download the .deb package:
For other Linux distributions, see Gnac download page.
Please note: To enable MP3 encoding, you need to install GStreamer! If you do not have GStreamer installed, follow the instructions specific to your distribution:
- Ubuntu: Simply click here.
- Debian: Add the debian-multimedia repository. Then, install the gstreamer0.10-lame package.
- Fedora: Add the livna repository. Then, install the gstreamer-plugins-ugly package.
- Gentoo: emerge gst-plugins-lame.
- Mandriva: Add the PLF repository. Then, install the gstreamer0.10-lame package.
- Suse: Add the packman repository. Then, install the gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly package.
[via ubuntu tips]