Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

TBuzz is an interesting new tool that fosters Twitter buzz around web pages. The concept is incredibly simple: drag a button into your browser bookmarks and hit it whenever you visit a web page you’d like to talk about on Twitter.

So, while you’re reading this post, you can add TBuzz to your browser, hit it while you’re viewing the page and inform your followers that you’re “Reading an article on Web Upd8”. TBuzz grabs the link for you and shortens it using Bit.ly.

But TBuzz is more than a sharing tool: it also shows the Tweets posted by other people talking about that page. While this might not be as useful on obscure or offbeat sites, some inspire enough Twitter (Twitter reviews) chatter to make for an interesting reference point. It’s a neat idea that scores points for simplicity: the video below explains more.

[via mashable.com]