Tired of finding mp3 files on the Web, that have no inline player so you can simply check them out as you find them? Well, thanks to the Lifehacker team you can now use Google’s inline mp3 player to stream any mp3 on any web site.
For those you have Greasemonkey installed, the Google Inline MP3 Player script inserts the Google flash mp3 player next to any linked MP3 file. Want to give it a shot? Go check out the Lifehacker page on the topic, and click there to get it installed.
As a bonus, for those of you who might want the opposite of this, we have the Give me the MP3 user script. Once you install this into Greasemonkey, you can pull the mp3 link out instead of using a flash player that is embedded on the web site you are browsing.
[via firefoxfacts.com]