Many blogs offer email subscriptions to their users, however in case of feedburner the users have to confirm their email address before they can start getting updates from the blog. In many cases, users either forget or do not know that they have to confirm their email address.
Notify Unconfirmed Subscribers is a wordpress plugin that aims to solve a problem form blog owners by fetching the uncofirmed email subscribers from their Feed burner account and allows them to send a short message asking them to confirm their email accounts.
NUS does not store any username / password details you provide with for fetching the uncofirmed users from Feedburner account and is compatible with the latest transition of Feedburner to Google.
Notify Unconfirmed Subscribers is a wordpress plugin that aims to solve a problem form blog owners by fetching the uncofirmed email subscribers from their Feed burner account and allows them to send a short message asking them to confirm their email accounts.
NUS does not store any username / password details you provide with for fetching the uncofirmed users from Feedburner account and is compatible with the latest transition of Feedburner to Google.