Fancy Tasks is a KDE 4.x dock applications that looks a lot like Avant Window Navigator but at a first look, it seems to be even nicer.
Here is a video (watch in full-screen) to get a better idea about this Mac OSX-like dock menu for KDE:
- manages your tasks and launchers;
- tasks filtering, grouping (including manual) and sorting;
- launcher to task transition (icons of launchers with running tasks are hidden);
- preview of windows with (live previews with KWin Taskbar Thumbnail effect enabled) and without Composite (also for groups, you can click them to activate window);
- dropping files on launchers runs command with parameters or gives option to move, copy or link them (if this is directory);
- visual drop indicator that helps in manual tasks sorting and dropping launchers;
- possibility to browse directories of directory launchers using context menu;
- menu with list of all icons shown after activating keyboard shortcut;
- configurable animations (zoom, jump, bounce, highlight, etc.) and appearance (optional thumbnails, reflections and text label);
- fully animated icons (including animations of starting applications and tasks needing attention).
The application comes with some pre build packages too, for Mandriva (RPM), Ubuntu (.DEB files - click to download / and PPA Repositories), Fedora (RPM), openSUSE and Gentoo (for all - see link in the beginning of the post).