Facebook Notify is a small application which monitors your Facebook profile and notifies you when it changes.
It notifies you when any of the following events occur
* One of your friends changes their status, profile picture, or profile details
* You receive a friend request, event or group invitation
* Someone writes on one of your friends walls
* One of your friends is tagged in a photo
It notifies you when any of the following events occur
* One of your friends changes their status, profile picture, or profile details
* You receive a friend request, event or group invitation
* Someone writes on one of your friends walls
* One of your friends is tagged in a photo
To install it, you need to compile it. First, install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install pygtk
sudo apt-get install python-webkitgtk
sudo apt-get install python-simplejson
Then download the .tar.gz archive of Facebook Notify, extract it and use the terminal to navigate to it's directory and type this:./facebook-notify.py
Then click on the Facebook icon that appears in the notification area and select Connect and type your facebook connection details in the window that appears.