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FeedSplash is a website that allows you to publish a recent posts widget based on your RSS feed (similar to already mentioned Recent Posts using Ajax) but the catch is that between your recent posts, some ads will show up (they will be tagged as ads, so it shouldn't bother people that much) and if someone clicks it, you earn money just like it is with Adsense.

Their description:

Splush enables editors to share with their audience, real-time updated content from partners, friends or favorites information sources. A dynamic blogroll and multimedia access (videos and sounds can be read directly on the widget) make RSS Feeds accessible to all without any technical constraints.

Splush is also FeedAds : the first ads service of sponsored links 2.0 where traditional statistic links are replaced by more attractive ones updated in real time, with direct link to content and multimedia. Splush is a unique opportunity for advertisers to use RSS feeds, no longer as a stake holding tool but as a boost creating traffic and visibility where content gets promoted by itself.

Also the widget displays the post in a really clever way, showing only titles and then showing the post summary on mouse over. Also, you can choose to also display images or not and you can click a button to see the previous 10 articles and so on.

You can see it in action on the right side of Freeware & Tutos blog, under "Derniers articles".