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Today we talked about the world's smallest shorturl but now we've found a great way to use it and customize it so that each url will look like: http://domain.tk/N, where "domain" can be anything you want and you don't have to register, everything is done in seconds, and "N" is a number added each time you click a bookmarklet to make a new shorturl.

Example: http://web8.tk/ is my personalized .tk short url domain and each short url will look like this: http://web8.tk/1, http://web8.tk/2 and so on. To make one for yourself, simply go to http://web8.tk/, click "get your own url shortener", type something in the box, click create and you will be given that domain name to shorten urls with. Then go to your newly creaded short url domain, click on bookmarklet, drag it to your bookmaks toolbar and click it each time you want to shorten an url.