It is easy to get carried away when tweeting and end up following people who will only prove to waste your time. UnTweeps can help you: it can unfollow tweeps who have not posted tweets recently.
This site offers anybody a practical way for not following people anymore, or rather, stop following those who created a Twitter account on a whim and do never update it now.
All you have to do is login using your Twitter credentials, and then a page that details Tweeple that have been inactive for a long stretch of time will be displayed. You can simply choose the ones you wish to stop following from that list, and you are done.
When furnishing your information, you can also specify that only Tweeps that have not updated their status in a given period of time be listed. In this case, there are three options that can be chosen from by way of the provided drop down menu: 30, 60 and 90 days.
[via killerstartups.com]