Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

Nokia N97 touch phone uses Symbian OS 5 and is one of the most awaited mobile phone of 2009. No wonder that, its at number 3 in T3’s hot 100. As you must have seen in the video, now there is an option to upload your pictures directly to Picasa. All the fluid screen transitions have just disappeared. However, what may be, I just cant wait to have my hands on this awesome device.

“From the desktop to the laptop and now to your pocket, the Nokia N97 is the most powerful, multi-sensory mobile computer in existence,” said Jonas Geust, Vice President, heading Nokia Nseries.

You may not want me to go in detail because the standard of a Nokia Flagship Nseries device is known to everybody. 3.5mm jack slot , GPS , Wifi , > 3 inch Screen ( for touch phones ), 5MP camera , VGA video recording with 30FPS etc are very much known. You can read the full review, here.