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Most of you probably have a 'spam' address (the one you use when you really have to subscribe to a website that is surely going to invade your email box), a personal address (which you use for friends and relatives) and a work address (for professional purposes only). Or at least I do!

Sizlopedia.com explains on how to monitor all your emails and, what is even more interesting, all your social networking accounts at the same time through your most frequently used mailbox. Web applicaton Nutshell Mail turns your primary email inbox into a universal platform that automatically retrieves all your messages at one place.


Source: Sizlopedia

Key features include

  • Free, Easy, and Secure
  • Multiple email and/or social network accounts
  • Avoid log ons to each account separately
  • Monitor your children's incoming messages
  • Access all your accounts online through a single, consolidated inbox
  • Better way to manage all your messaging accounts
NutshellMail supports almost all the major email providers. You can view the complete list here.