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downloadr backup flickrIf you have a lot of pictures on yout Flickr account and wish to back up all of them, Downloadr is going to be of real help (Windows only).

First you need to download a small file called Updatr.exe. Just move it to any directory you want (I strongly recommend creating a new directory only for Downloadr) and start it. The program will then install and run the latest version of Downloadr for you. Depending on your internet connection's speed this should take from five seconds to up to a minute. Downloadr will then keep itself up to date since it checks for new updates every time you start it. If you want to deinstall Downloadr, just delete the files.

Then to back up all you Flickr photos, go to Extras —> Authenticate. You will get a few warning boxes asking you if it is ok to allow "Downloadr" access to your account. Click "OK I’ll ALLOW IT" and you are ready to back up those images. Go to Extras menu and chose complete backup, click "Backup now" button and Downloadr will start downloading your Flickr images.

Other Downloadr features:
  • Searches photos by
    • Fulltext
    • User
    • Tags
    • Place
    • Set
    • Date
    • Interestingness
    • Group
    • Favorites
  • Automatically downloads largest avaiable size
  • Fully integrates support for linkr
  • Can create a backup of all your photos with just a few clicks
  • Writes EXIF and IPTC data so titles and tags are preserved
  • Updates automatically
  • It's free!

Credits: makeuseof.com