The new Ubuntu that will be released in april, codename Jaunty has a new notifications popup system (here is a flash example of the notifications system). Here is how you can install it in Ubuntu Intrepid:
What we need to do now is compile the code. There is a script included, so its much easier then it sounds. But first we need to install the dependencies:
and install them.
To run the new notifications system, we need to kill the old one first. You can do it with this command:
To make it run on startup:
create a new file and paste this:
then open a terminal and type this:
and paste this in the file: user name is the name of the session
Note: for transparecy and proper use of these new features, you need Compiz enabled!
Thanks to Alex for this great tutorial!
sudo apt-get install bzr
bzr branch lp:notify-osd
Now you have the code saved in your home folder: ~/notify-osdWhat we need to do now is compile the code. There is a script included, so its much easier then it sounds. But first we need to install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install gnome-common automake
Now we can compile. Use the terminal to navigate to ~/notify-osd and type this in the terminalsudo autogen.sh
If this fails, you may need to install some other dependencies, so look up these in Synaptic:libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-dev libgtk2.0-common libgconf2-dev libdbus-glib0-dev libdbus-glib-dev libx11-dev libnotify-dev libnotify1
and install them.
To run the new notifications system, we need to kill the old one first. You can do it with this command:
killall notification-daemon
To launch the notifier, navigate to ~/notify-osd/src directory and type this in a terminal window:notify-osd
And we're done!To make it run on startup:
create a new file and paste this:
killall notification-daemon
sleep 1
then open a terminal and type this:
$ sudo chmod +x ~/.config/autostart/notify-osd.sh
$ gedit ~/.config/autostart/notify-osd.sh.desktop
and paste this in the file: user name is the name of the session
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/user name/.config/autostart/notify-osd.sh
Note: for transparecy and proper use of these new features, you need Compiz enabled!
Thanks to Alex for this great tutorial!