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Adobe Flash player 10.2

Adobe Flash Player 10.2 was released yesterday with a new Stage Video API which lets you take advantage of hardware acceleration (if your video card supports it).

In my tests, using Adobe Flash Player 10.2 (still in beta at the time I've tested it) the processor usage for 1080p YouTube videos dropped from ~90% to around 20-30%. A while back we've published a post on how to take advantage of hardware acceleration for Adobe Flash Player 10.2 in Ubuntu (including a video show the performance with and without hardware acceleation) so check out that post for more info on this.

Flash Player 10.2 also comes with various CPU usage enhancements, multiple display support for full screen, native mouse cursors you can use in your applications as well as sub-pixel text rendering.

Unfortunately, this release is available for 32bit only, however a preview release is available for 64bit users.

Note for Ubuntu users: Adobe Flash Player has already been uploaded to the Ubuntu repositories so to upgrade to the latest version, all you have to do is run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Download Adobe Flash Player 10.2 (32bit only - includes .deb and .rpm files; preview version for 64bit)